I can't access the App in UI Builder

I can’t access the App in UI Builder.
Can someone help me? APP ID 8DBF2AEE-DEF9-02C1-FF49-D4B524CEDD00

Hello @Mihaltan_Horea

We are sorry for the inconvenience. The internal ticket 22713 has been created. Your problem will be investigated and fixed as soon as possible.


Hello @Mihaltan_Horea

Seems like the “/ui-builder/containers/default/pages/landing/page.json” is empty, that’s the reason why the UI-Builder can not start.

Could you please let us know:

  • did you change the ui-builder’s app files manually?
  • do you remember the last steps which could lead to this issue?
  • how many pages should be in the “default”?

Regards, Vlad

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