Import CSV: relation not being imported

I am trying to import data from Parse. Importing the Parse’s JSON doesn’t work really well so I am writing a script to transform the JSONs into CSVs. In one of my CSVs I have a column “author__Users__bcklsFK__ONE_TO_ONE”. When I import it my author column is empty. I have another table that has a column “user__Users__bcklsFK__ONE_TO_ONE” and it imports the relations correctly. I tried using this name for the failing file’s column but it still doesn’t work. Any ideas? (9.1kB)

Can you please provide you app ID?

I created this app just for testing imports before trying in the actual app B40F72BE-5D68-BFF7-FFDB-936D13A0B500


An internal ticket with id BKNDLSS-12936 has been created for this issue.

Regards, Ilya


Have you looked into import.log in your File Service? It clearly points you the following error:

Error inserting row to table Question com.backendless.exceptions.CommonExceptions: Invalid date format

Further, if you look into the automatically exported Question.csv, you’ll see that the date column values are of the following format:

09/20/2015 14:00:07 GMT+0000

While the one you formed has this:

09/20/2015 14:00:07