Hello Backendless,
I was just implementing Messaging System in my App. And encountered with the scenario of Publishing Messages to a Channel Scenario . I could publish Push Notification to a Channel Via Messaging API. I just had a query :
Suppose a Channel “MrA’sFeed” has 1000 subscribers. I issue a Publish Command from my Android Client to that Channel as the parameter . Will the Data Cost of issuing that Request would it be same in the case of 10 followers and 1000 followers or not ( To be More Precise: Will the data Size in API Request Sent from the Client Part in case of Publish vary upon the Number of followers in a Channel to be published ) or is it , a 1 Arrow Server hit Mechanism.
On the Other side, Suppose I have a server Code .
public void AfterCreate(......){
public long Starttime=getCurrentTimeinMilliSeconds();
Backendless.Messaging.publish("Channel Name",data,PublishOptions);
public long Endtime=getCurrentTimeInMilliSeconds();
Suppose this Channel Name has 1000 followers. Now, would the Server Execution Time be calculated based on the difference of StartTime and Endtime or the Whole Publish Mechanism via Server mechanism is a ‘One- Arrow Hit’
Finally , If I Send One 'Publish ’ API Request to a Channel which has 1000 Subscriber, How much API call does it makes 1 , or 1000 ?
I hope that you guys can provide me pointers and insights regarding this and I could easily move forward at my application by taking design decisions
Pujan Paudel