Internal server error and server is temporarily unavailable in one of my tables in the console

Hi, Is some problem in the server?

I can’t do any retrieve, save or update from my app,
In the backendless console I see this messages:

Internal server error with id 68A9D9B9-1051-17C2-FF52-E74E491C2800
Server is temporarily unavailable

I have 5 tables but only in one is where I have the error and I can’t see any data. In the other 4 I can see the data that I have in the console.


We have fixed your issue, check it please

Hi Sergey, in the process of fix the issue, I’ve lost the relationship that I have in this table with the location table

Hi Sergey, Don’t worry about this. I have only a bit of relationship in this table. I’ve added manually.

Thanks for your help