Internal Server Error over some particular objects.

Hi guys,
We are experiencing some issues today with the server, we get an Internal Server Error when we make a request on some particular objects.
Here a pic:</img>
And all of them have the same error response: “Internal server error with id {objectId}”
This is happening apparently with some tables/models specifically.
AppID: 4E9CFA4A-45FF-50A9-FF71-B9B9F62D9500
Here is one full request: REQUEST HEADERS: PUT /v1/data/maturity_discipline/96973809-1A41-0A9F-FFAE-AD -
Here all the objects that are giving the same problem:

Internal server error with id 34B13205-128A-F6D8-FF90-CE277BAF0B00
Internal server error with id D097FE41-EA0F-65D2-FF96-BD46E36D3200
Internal server error with id 003E3324-63FC-594C-FFD2-488F76A82900
Internal server error with id 5340A2E0-4B71-3BC3-FF60-D4A5B7DD0B00
Internal server error with id 391E7AFF-62B0-540D-FF12-8E222F4FC900
Internal server error with id 4B98B321-ED49-05E4-FF7F-3F86D4F6A000
Internal server error with id D1BD049E-B785-5EBE-FFF4-15F42E8FCD00
Internal server error with id B8345CAE-9EEA-1938-FF3E-17F33F1CF700

Last Friday everything was working as expected and we didn’t merge any new code to the App since then, thanks in advance for any information about this.

Hi guys, have you solved the problem? Because is not happening anymore right now


Hi guys, any update on this?

Thanks in advance.


There was a problem with one of the app servers. but the system recovered itself automatically. No data was lost.
