Searching in rectangular area shoud work fine and this example works without any issues:
let nw = GeoPoint(latitude: 44.58883, longitude: 33.52240)
let se = GeoPoint(latitude: 40.18111, longitude: 44.51361)
let geoQuery = BackendlessGeoQuery()
geoQuery.categories = ["geoservice_sample"]
geoQuery.rectangle = GeoQueryRectangle(nordWestPoint: nw, southEastPoint: se)
geoQuery.includemetadata = true
geoQuery.pageSize = 100
Backendless.shared.geo.getPoints(geoQuery: geoQuery, responseHandler: { geoPoints in
print("Retrieved \(geoPoints.count) geoPoints:")
for geoPoint in geoPoints {
print("\(geoPoint.metadata ?? [String : String]())")
}, errorHandler: { fault in
print("Error: \(fault.message ?? "")")
As for this error
The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format
it seems like your nordWest and southEast points latitude and longitude are incorrect… what I mean to say - maybe your nordWest and southEast point are not actually nordWest and SouthEast.
my nw and se points belongs to Sevastoplol’ and Yerevan and they make the rectangle.