AppId : AEE7E37E-51C0-8032-FF1F-11FD36B99D00
in my iOS app,
I suddenly have a problem with the call to [backendless.userService isValidUserToken];
It’s been working well for a few days now, but since today the call fails after several seconds with a fault.detail=The request timed out., fault.faultCode=-1001
Is there any status reported on your side ?
Thank you for your help,
loïc b.
I skip the isValidUserToken to login directly and I have the same problem with the login :
fault.detail=The request timed out., fault.faultCode=-1001
My internet connection is working properly and I can access to the other services from my app.
Hello, loїс.
We are trying to reproduce this.
As soon as we know something, we write here.
Hi loїс,
I just checked isValidUserToken with our samples: UserService and FacebookLogin.
They check isValidUserToken every 60sec after logged in. And they work fine for me:
I pushed the latest iOS-Sample release. You could update it and try these samples with our or your Backendless app. Let us how they go.
Another way is to provide your appId & secretKey to support@backendless.com, and we investigate your app.
Thank you both for your message.
I had a look to the sample app “UserService”, and saw that you are using the asynchronous method for isValidToken. I tried this in my app, and indeed, that fixed the problem.
When I use the synchronous version, embedded in a try/catch like this :
@try {
NSNumber *result = [backendless.userService isValidUserToken];
validToken = [result boolValue];
NSLog(@"isValidUserToken (SYNC): %@", validToken ? @"YES" : @"NO");
@catch (Fault *fault) {
DLog(@"backendless initApp exception caught : %@", fault);
validToken = NO;
I get a timeout failure.
I have a solution now, I’ll switch to the asynchronous version, and let you have a look to the synchronous version if that’s any help to you.
Thank you !