iOS - Blocks for async calls?

On the iOS side of things, are there any plans to implement methods that allow for block-based callbacks? Sorry if I’m missing this already, but it seems that we’d have to implement this ourselves if we wanted it.


Thanks, Mark! This is actually pretty vital for SDK’s of this kind these days, as the code cleanliness/readability compared to traditional (“old-school” ;)) responders is just huge.

Really appreciate you guys being willing to look into adding this. You guys’ pricing system is exactly what we need for our apps, but this lack of blocks in async calls is somewhat of a show-stopper for us, actually. Once it’s in place, I see it being very viable to switch all of our apps’ backends over to use Backendless. Thanks again for the quick reply and the willingness to look into adding this into the SDK,-Vincent

It is our pleasure, Vincent. Feedback like this is essential for us and is very much appreciated. I will update this thread some time tomorrow with an estimate on when the feature will be available.

Hi Vincent,

We added support for block callbacks. We will be uploading the latest build of the library/SDK shortly.


Wow that was quick! Thanks so much for doing this. It will seriously make a world of difference for us. Thank you again, and we are looking forward to migrating our apps to use Backendless. I’ll look out for the new build/SDK to be uploaded in the meantime.

The updated SDK is on the site. Please download and try it out. A blog post is coming up…

A blog post as a closure for this topic:

Hi Vincent,

We will look into adding block-based callbacks, this way developers will have a choice between traditional responders (the way we have it now) and the block callbacks.
