My app works properly for a few weeks now. And suddenly, today, I have an error message when I save an object to the datastore :
fault.message=Unable to save object - invalid data type for properties - published.
The “published” property is a BOOL.
I updated the cocoapod to the latest version (3.0.9), same result.
I could replace the BOOL with a NSNumber if that helps, but I don’t want to change the code without a proper reason.
I took a look to the database schema in the dashboard, and I see now that the BOOLEAN “published” field has a default value “NULL”, which I don’t think I set up, and which does not make sense.
When I try and modify it for a “False” default value, the dashboard tells me the modification is a success, but the schema still show “NULL” as default value.
Is there any issue on your hand about that ?
Thank you for your help.