iOS setup inconsistencies

Hi, I’m trying to implement Backendless as the BaaS for my iOS project.

Problem: While following the getting-started.pdf file that came with the SDK download. I noticed that Step 5 shows an image of 14 items that should be in the Link Binary With Libraries section of Build Phases in Xcode. I followed the instruction up to that point, but only ended up with 13 items. The missing item is backendless.a, and after searching the SDK folder I downloaded from the website, I am convinced that the file does not exist. I downloaded it again and it is still nowhere to be found. With this in mind, what should I do next? I don’t know if I can trust these instructions.

  • by the way, the getting-started.pdf and the iOS setup instructions found on the website docs have a number of differences between them. Naturally, I find this quite confusing.

Hi Ben,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. While we are looking into the problem, you can download the latest SDK from the github repository:

The library is located at:


Thanks. The SDK you directed me to worked just fine.

Thanks for confirming it, Ben. We will get the PDF corrected as well as.
