Hi, I’m trying to implement Backendless as the BaaS for my iOS project.
Problem: While following the getting-started.pdf file that came with the SDK download. I noticed that Step 5 shows an image of 14 items that should be in the Link Binary With Libraries section of Build Phases in Xcode. I followed the instruction up to that point, but only ended up with 13 items. The missing item is backendless.a, and after searching the SDK folder I downloaded from the website, I am convinced that the file does not exist. I downloaded it again and it is still nowhere to be found. With this in mind, what should I do next? I don’t know if I can trust these instructions.
- by the way, the getting-started.pdf and the iOS setup instructions found on the website docs have a number of differences between them. Naturally, I find this quite confusing.