Is it possible to store large amounts of static data using UI Builder?

I’ve a couple of tables which do not need to be stored on a sever, their data can be updated during app updates. The largest has 350,000 rows. Is it possible to place the data with an app via UI Builder?

Hi Paul,

Do you mean hardcode the values inside of a page?


Yes, hardcode the values inside a page.

Hardcoding 350,000 records in a page is a very bad idea.

Indulge me please. Is it possible?
With the demise of cloud 99 next year I have had the rug pulled from under my plans. On boarding will put me in the top tier for billing constantly.
I could work with the $10k pro version but on a monthly rate for the first year.

Let’s say that an individual record is only 5 kilobytes. With 350,000 records hardcoded in a page, your page’s “weight” will be ~1.75 gigabytes. So every time a user loads the page, that much traffic will be going from our servers to the browsers. Then the page will have to process all of that data to render on the screen. And by the way, not a single user can consume that much data at a glance, so the UX will suffer tremendously.

Additionally, we do not charge for throughput at all at the present moment. However, with that approach, we’d frown upon that design idea and may consider it rather abusive of the “free throughput” offering.


Thanks Mark,
We do understand the constraints. We only need 2 intergers and a geoLoc which would bring the data save down to 7mb. Would that be more manageable?

Yes, I think that should be fine.

Great. Now how do we load a static list with UI builder?

The simplest way would be to use code:
UI Builder - ConsoleDemo - Backendless 2023-06-24 09-56-05

The Custom Code block returns the collection:

The returned value is a collection of objects. You can treat it as a list of objects as it would be created in Codeless.
