Issue : User Registration change my Backendless Current user object

Hello team,

I am developing an app where I need to enroll new user to our system by adding them in Users(Systems table) table. Flow of my app is:
Admin Login to app -> Admin present Add Customer form -> call Backendless register user service to add new customer in Users.

After successfull User registeration, when i do Backendless.UserService.getCurrentUser(), it returns the new added user, not the one(Admin) who logged in.

I need help your help, how can I just register user without changing the current User ?

Dear Admin, could you please help ?

To register a user you need to use the Registration API. The API does not care if you have the current user set or not.


Thanks Mark for replying but you didn’t answer to my question.

Well, I found the solution, I need to use REST api to register user, so it doesnt change the current user object.

Glad you found a solution. Could you please clarify what SDK you used where you observed the behavior that the current user object was modified?