Limit of Autoload


After two days of struggling, I surrender, I need your help.

I’m running an app on a standalone server. I have a simple structure:

Class “Message” contains a relation to one “Team”
Class “Team” contains a relation to many “Users”.
Class “Users” contains a relation to many “Devices”.

EVERYTHING is set to autoload. However, when I do a find on the “Message” class, I retrieve my messages, containing the teams, containing the users. But the users don’t have any “Devices”. Everything is null.

Is there any limit on the autoload process? Is there something wrong with the Users class?


Please keep in mind that we do not provide free support for the Standalone server deployments. I am sure you didn’t know, so we’ll handle this topic. Going forward please consider purchasing a support plan.

Now back to the question: try doing find against the Users table, do the devices come back in that case?


Sorry about that, I didn’t know support was a paid system. Will check with my superior about it.

Btw, I get the linked installations if I query the Users table directly.