Link to a user object from GeoPoints metadata

First let me say that I really like your service. I’m writing an app that lets you submit signals for a particular location. I want to keep track of who submitted the signal. If I set a user object in the metadata it gets correctly mapped in the Geolocation table in the console and when I click on the “Users object” link a popup appears with the user object selected.
If I go to the Users data table I see a column is added that says “” and at the intersection with the user it says “GeoPoint” followed by some ID which is a link. However, if I click on this link the Geolocations table is opened but nothing is selected.
There are two problems here:

  1. The link doesn’t work and the respective GeoPoint is not selected
  2. Only one GeoPoint is shown for the particular user while he is the author of many GeoPoints (it should be one-to-many relationship).
    It would be nice if you could fix this so it will be possible to keep track of how many and which signals a particular user has submitted. I am available if you need more info on this issue!
    Keep up the good work!

Hello, Milen!

Answering your questions:

  1. I’ve reproduced it and opened an internal task for this bug. It would be fixed soon
  2. Take a look at your screen shot - there are two objectIds near the user, so, I guess, he has two related points.
    Please notice than in Backendless you can implement one-to-many relationship in the next way: navigate to Users screen and add new column with type “Geo-Point relationship”, cardinality one-to-many.
    best regards,


  1. Thanks!
  2. Oh, it’s a comma-separated list! I thought it was all one ID. Cool, so that works!

Yes, I know that, but it is easier to make the link dynamically at the time of saving the GeoPoint.

Thanks again!
