Logging API - Defaults to WARN?

I wanted to confirm what I’m seeing for the default logging level.

  1. Initially there isn’t any logging enabled. I have delete the contents of the /logging directory in the Files area of the console.

  2. Via the console I have set the Application Log level to ALL and Log File Policy to Fixed File sizing logging.

  3. The Category Loggers are empty in the console.

  4. When an application adds a log entry via the Backendless API, the result is the logging file is created at /logging called backendlesslog-1.log. In addition in the console under the Category Loggers, the new logger is displayed with the Log Level set to WARN.


  1. This appears to be the default Log Level ?
  2. Can an application set this Log Level for the logger entry? or it is only able to be set after a logger has been created via the console?

Hi Roy,

Every logger defaults to the most inclusive log level that is ever used.

If by “creating a logger in console” you mean adding a record in the Loggers table, it is a very bad idea and I do not recommend doing it.

