I wanted to ask if it would be possible to connect my bacendless to a remote server running Microsoft SQL Server 2005. I’m currently running windows 10 with backendless 4.0 and this is for an android app
Currently there is no support for SQL Server 2005 in version 4 of Backendless.
do you know if there is support on 3. im actually trying to use backendless as a bridge between Microsoft server sql 2005 and android studio. I really enjoy using backendless and its features,thats why im trying to use it
There is a connector for SQL Server 2008 in the Marketplace. There is a chance it will work with 2005, but no guarantees.
i cant seem to find the sql server 2008 could you please share a link
If you ask about Data Connectors:
go to “Marketplace” tab in your app, and then choose “Databases” label. On the right side of the screen you’ll see the list of available connectors – you need “MSSQL Server 2008 Data Connector”