I think it would be a very good idea to have a migration guide (blog post?) for Parse customers. After Parse has shutdown, I’m (and probably hundreds/thousands of other developers too) looking for a backend that supports cloud/server code, database, push notifications, user management, basic file storage etc. (essentially all that Parse had). And is likely not going to be shutdown anytime soon
There are many questions, like: How could I import my Parse database? How do I define cloud functions and call them from code (rest api etc.)? Does backendless offer file storage, like Parse did? …
We are working on it. It is a top priority for us. This includes a blog post and a full blown migration guide.
We looked into the migration tool Parse put together and have some cool ideas how to make the migration as painless as possible.
Backendless does offer file storage (use the little red icon on the left to navigate through the Backendless Hosting features).
Please feel free to ask any questions, I am sure you have many… Our goal is to provide you with a peace of mind and a sense of stability. We definitely want to help out anyone who ended up in this situation.
Hi Mark, glad you are doing this. I am newish swift programmer, and have one app using parse now, and another also in development.
Question: maybe contact Parse/facebook, and work out a deal maybe you can make arrangement with them to simply get all of current parse now for your company somehow, at no cost even! ?
then ALL developers be with you and easy for us all, besides work you all need to do of course! would be awesome. Thanks, Mike
Hi Guys,
It’s taken me a few years of pain to get Parse configured and working as I need it and its deeply integrated into my iOS App. Are you working on any tools that will make the transition easy and what are the timescale?
Best Regards
The very first thing would be a migration tool so you can move all the data from Parse’s storage into Backendless. We plan to have it available within a week or so. We’re also exploring ways to automate the rest of the process (ACL, files, etc).
If you could describe the kind of resources/features you use in your app, it would be quite helpful.
Thanks for your prompt rely, very efficient!. My App isn’t really complicated a series of tables with 1 to 1 and 1 to many references to other tables. Some tables contain .pdf’s and use Geo-tags.
I’m guessing/hoping that you can handle that sort of stuff.
As a test I did try and upload a table that I exported from Parse, but it failed and I couldn’t find a way of exporting the references
Did you get any log of the failed import or maybe an error message? It would help us establish the proper import process better and faster.
Also it would be really great if you could provide us your exported data from Parse and we test the process on the real data.
Do you have an e-mail address to which I can send the sample parse download? The message that I received when I tried to import the data was as follows
Backendless finished import your data unsuccessfully for application: Xxxxxx.
The Import log located in File Service in import directory.
See Import log bellow:
1 16:40:23 IMPORT_DATA Importing Started.
2 16:40:24 IMPORT_DATA Importing failed. java.lang.NullPointerException
3 16:40:24 IMPORT_DATA Importing Finished.Backendless finished import your data unsuccessfully for application: Xxxxxxx
The Import log located in File Service in import directory.
You could send it to either support@backendless.com or directly to me and I will forward it to the people in charge of the import/export logic in Backendless. My email is mark@backendless.com.