Mobile number as user identity

Hi - I am exploring to use ‘backendless’ for my new android app, and one of my ‘user management’ requirement is to have multiple user identity types.

So, during registration, I would like to give user an option to either use ‘email id’ or ‘mobile#’ as user identity. In case of mobile# as identity, I would like to send confirmation and further temporary passwords over SMS. I can see enough support for email as identity - however what do you suggest as best implementation for mobile# as identity cases ??

Also, what would be the best solution to keep both ‘email’ and ‘mobile#’ based users in your standard users table - so as I can use same user services APIs for all users ??


Hi Aditya,

This is an interesting use-case. One way to handle it is call the property which will store the identity of your user “identity”. If it is declared as String, it would be able to keep both email addresses and mobile numbers. Here’s an example:</img>

This way in the Backendless login API you can pass either a phone number or an email address and Backendless will be able to authenticate either way.


Thanks for the response, I thought later to try to implement it same way. Also, I think it would be good to have a feature with support for ‘mobile number’ as communication medium and have same features as we have now for the email i.e. verification, welcome message, forget password etc.

Please expect more questions from me in coming months, as I move ahead with app development :slight_smile:

Hi Aditya,

We already have that feature on our roadmap. I look forward to seeing more questions from you )



Is it possible to mark property as identity from API?

Hi Mousa,

It is possible with management/admin APIs. The APIs are available as a function pack in Marketplace:</img>


HI Mark,

Is this feature developed ? Where can I find more information ?

Sincerely yours,

Hi Chuck,

Not yet, priorities have shifted. We will do integration with Twillio to enable authentication via mobile number.


Hi Mark,

Okay. got it.

thanks for your replay.

Sincerely yours,