My account is bugged

Hello ,
I was trying to reset my data after i purchased 100,000 Geopoints so i can re add them .
Unfortunately now i can’t access{app-name}/v1/main/data
it is stuck on loading and when i open the JS console it says : Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)

Also when i try to run the code that i ran before to populate data it gives :

Internal Client Error- Read timed out

i tried resetting the app on backendless ,it is done but the error remains

App id : CC0FE382-E382-41BF-FFCA-9CE12C4EFE00

Hello Shieler

I’ve connected to your app and tried to access data by link you specified{app-name}/v1/main/data - and it works good.</img>

Could you please send us the screenshot of the page where you get the error with opened developers console, so we could understand what request fails and where exactly the issue occurs.

Regards Anton