Dear Backendless,
I see that there are a number of new system roles. I’d be interested to know if you intend to assign the roles automatically as you do now for NonAuthenticatedUser, AuthenticatedUser, SocialUser…
In other words, if the user is currently using an iOS app, will they get an IOSUser role automatically?
Also, will you automatically assign a ServerCodeUser role to the user when running server code (on a temporary basis, that is, only when the server code is actually running)? Because that would actually solve the problem of “superuser” permissions in server code by implicitly granting the current user possibly less restrictive permissions.
Hi Emmanuel,
This is exactly what those roles are for. I have not had a chance to write up a blog post and update docs, but the way you summarized it in your question is precisely what Backendless does. For any given API request, we match up the secret key associated with the request with a corresponding role. The original intent was to accommodate your request to enable a “super user” for custom business logic, but the way it came up is (IMHO) a lot more powerful. Now you can completely disable certain types of use - for instance, you can completely block all REST-based access by denying all permissions to the “RestUser” role.
Hi Mark,
This is really great news! Very nice idea indeed, I see what you mean about being able to block access to certain client types, very nice.
I’m looking forward to reading your blog post 