Not receiving any push, Android.

I have added the server key in the android push settings, and I have successfully registered my device with the client number. But when I send a push with the push console you guys have built, I do not receive anything. I check my device, and I check the chechbox “Selected devices”, type a message, and press send.

I get a green response that says “Message scheduled”. But on the phone, nothing.

Hi, Ludwig!

Can you please share your code with me so I can find the reason? Remove all your credentials from code, I shall check it on my application. My email is

best regards,
Alex Navara

Sure, thanks.

Please take a look at this doc:

If you don’t define your own BroadcastReceiver extended from “BackendlessBroadcastReceiver” with overrided method “onMessage()” - then the headers mentioned in the doc are required.
Can you please try sending message again, but now put the following line in “Headers” field: “android-content-text”:“content-text”, “android-content-title”:“content-title”, “android-ticker-text”:“ticker-text”.
best regards,
Alex Navara

Awesome! That made everything clearer. Works perfectly, thanks.