Null values stored in tables

I m logging this request as I could not find an answer in existing topics.
For some reason values of all the fields are null when I insert entity via my program. I do not get any error messages. I m able to insert entity accurately via dev console. Below is the relevant code segment. I have defined getters and setters for all member variables of class LocationToArticleMapping;
----protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//Backendless platform initialization
String app_BE_id = getString(R.string.app_BE_id);
String app_BE_security= getString(R.string.app_BE_security_key);
String app_BE_version = getString(R.string.app_BE_version);
Backendless.initApp(this, app_BE_id, app_BE_security, app_BE_version);

LocationToArticleMapping newPlace = new LocationToArticleMapping();

// save object asynchronously newPlace, new AsyncCallback<LocationToArticleMapping>() {
    public void handleResponse( LocationToArticleMapping response )
        // new Contact instance has been saved

    public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
        // an error has occurred, the error code can be retrieved with fault.getCode()

--------------Looking forward for help.Regards,Ash

Hi, Ashwinee!

According to our Support Policy we cannot provide debugging of your application.
If you can show that the specific Backendless method invocation causes the error and provide stable steps to reproduce it we can look into this issue further. At the moment since as you specify you do not reproduce this error with Backendless Console I am not sure it is the Backendless problem.

same issue with me too