PHP SDK: Fatal error: Call to undefined function getProperty()

My code:

try { 
 $user = Backendless::$UserService->login( $email, $password);
 //$user = Backendless::$UserService->CurrentUser();
 if( $user != null ) {
 // get user's phone number (i.e. custom property)
 $mobile = $user.getProperty( "mobile" );
 $email = $user->getEmail();
 } else {
 // "User hasn't been logged"; */
 } catch ( BackendlessException $e ) {
 echo $e->getMessage();

Error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function getProperty()
Seems like $user.getProperty( “mobile” ); is invalid.
Why? I followed the documentation…

Hi Peter,

We’ve created the task on this problem (BKNDLSS-12770). Now we are investigating this issue.
Thanks for your patience.

Regards Ilya

Solved. proper syntax is $user->getProperty( “mobile” );