Query to get non-local items.

I have an array of retailers that I have already fetched. I want to update these retailers with retailers that I do not already have, but are new on backendless. How would I do this?

Please clarify what are “non-local items”?

I have a bunch of items I have pulled from Backendless. I want to implement a ‘refresh’ feature where I pull all of the new items. But I obviously do not want to pull all of the items I have already pulled.

How about including the objectIds of the objects you already have into the whereClause of the query?

If it’s based on new items on the server you could store the date that you did the last download and then filter by created>$thatDate. Or updated>$thatDate if you want things that are updated (but you would need to merge the arrays)

See the dates api section: https://backendless.com/documentation/data/rest/data_search_with_dates.htm