Question on new pricing

I have a couple questions about the new pricing plan which your blog touts as making backendless more affordable than ever. For the 200,000 data objects allowance does that mean if I have a table that exceeds 200K rows I need to buy the 1,000,000 data object overage for $20/month? And if I have 3 tables that exceed 200K rows must I buy the overage for each table or does buying the overage cover all tables that exceed 200K rows?

Also it seems the pricing of storage overage has also increased quite a bit compared to the old Enterprise plan. With the data object limit and increased storage overage costs I can’t see how this new pricing is more affordable vs the old enterprise plan.

These pricing changes will likely force me to move to a different MBaaS provider.

The 1,000,000 data object overage is not per table, but per application. You do not need to buy it for every table.

When you refer to “storage overage”, are you talking about the File Storage? The pricing for that has not changed.

Btw, the old “enterprise plan” was $999/month. Can you show me how that is more affordable than anything else with the current scheme?

Finally, not a single other commercial provider would let you run their software on your own servers for free, but we do. When you install Standalone Backendless, ALL limitations are removed and the product is completely free for a single server installation even if it is a server with 32 cores and 256GB of RAM.

Hope this helps.
