I have a pair of questions about AWS Marketplace Backendless Pro solution:
- I have iOS & Android front ends developed with Backendless native SDK in the Backendless Cloud:
I think that with AWS Marketplace Backendless Pro I have to add also the new Url to the init method in the front ends.
(Android example)
After Backendless.initApp(…)
Then Backendless.setUrl(“http://SERVER-IP-OR-DOMAIN-NAME:8080/api”);
Is it right?
- With this solution, AWS Backendless Pro, is included a specific channel (email) with your support team or doubts and problems are also with http://support.backendless.com/?
Good morning,
Please, is it possible to answer to this question? I would like to have this info to begin a migration process from Backendless Cloud to AWS Marketplace Backendless Pro solution.
Hi Jose,
Yes, you will need to set the proper Backendless URL in your clients' code. It should be before the .initApp() call. This is required for the SDK to know which endpoint should be used to send your API requests.
When using Backendless Pro in AWS Marketplace, you may create private topics on this forum.
By the way, for any price-related questions about Backendless Pro you can also contact sales@backendless.com directly, and we shall provide you any additional information you need.
Hope it helps, and sorry for the delay with the answer!