Registered user and geoPoint

Hi Backendless Team,

I have a question about registered user and their own geoPoint. When user moved, the geoPoint updating and dissimilar each user.
I already know to update certain geopoint requires its object ID.

So far, here is my idea.

  1. new user have to register and apps give an initiation geoPoint and then save it (we get the geopoint’s object ID).
  2. onLocationChanged, set that object ID to update geoPoint.
  3. Different user, different geoPoint’s object ID and different each other.

My question.

  1. Is my idea correct ? If there is another better way, i need your suggestion.
  2. How to assign an initiation geoPoint when user complete registration, get their object id and assign it ?

Thank you anyway.

Hi Alvin,

The approach sounds reasonable.

To assign a geopoint to a user, you’d need to put a geopoint object into BackendlessUser custom property and save the user object. There is no reason to save the geopoint first, it will be created when the user is updated.
