Related data with user retrieval

I retrieve the logged user using CurrentUser();

then i retrieve his name by getProperty(“name”); succeed

but when i try to retrieve related data using my class the program crash

Hi @MahmoudAmin,
We have opened internal ticket to inspect the issue. Ticket number is BKNDLSS-13056.
We will notify you asap.
Regards, Artur.

Hi @MahmoudAmin
What is exception message of program crash?

Thanks Mr Arthur for your caring
When I debugged the program I knew the reason
The data retrieved was hashmap type while I was assigning the response.getproperty(class name) to an array list
But the problem solved when I assigned the data retrieved to a hashmap variable
Thanks again

Hi @MahmoudAmin,
You need explicitly tell Backendless how to cast your object from HashMap to your class. To do so you call Backendless.Data.mapTableToClass(<your_relation_table_name>,<class_representiong_relation>).
Best, Artur