Response speed in Korea is too slow...any plan to improve?

hello. I am korean user.

recently, I migrated my Parse project to Backendless.

During the migration, I am suffering for a few region problems. especially, the response speed too late. sometimes it takes more then 2~3 seconds for one transaction.

so I want to know that you have any plan to improve your latency in Asia region.

Hi Choi,

We can provide a commercial (not free) service in Asia. Would you consider paying a fee for reduced latency?


Could you tell me the name of product? I can’t find in the marketplace.

It is not s product… I am talking about an installation in Asia. What we offer right now starts as free, however it would be rather expensive to replicate it all over the world, hence is my question.

how about the price for it? That would be a decision key factor. thanks for quick response.

Please contact to discuss pricing options.

ok thanks