rest console

Someone could direct me to a manual teaching on the rest console? I have a bit of trouble and I find stuff, so I thought a material but only get about, sorry but the English do not speak well and am using the translator

There is a blog post here:

What is the problem you ran into?


I had already seen this post, but my problem is not with the GET, the problem is with the POST to create the POST is different, and it passes the following error information “resquest error! resquest body is not valid” but I do not know what I put to the POST run, I looked around but found ludar

For the POST requests the body must be a JSON object describing what you’re saving in the selected table.

You can see an example here:


You would have some application that has backendless with POST? just wanted to see an example of how to do, I do not have much experience with rest, sorry for the inconvenience

There is an example in the doc chapter I linked in my response. Did you see it?

Can you include a screenshot of your database schema?