Returning wrong number of objects?

Hi. I’m doing a regular query where when a user likes a post, the number of people who have liked it show up. For some reason, the user is showing up twice instead of once even though a query is set in place to return just that user.

- (void)getPeople
    QueryOptions *query = [QueryOptions query];
    BackendlessDataQuery *dataQuery = [BackendlessDataQuery query:nil where:nil query:query];
    dataQuery.whereClause = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"person = \'%@\'", currentUser.objectId];
    dataQuery.whereClause = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"eventday = \'%@\'", day];
    [backendless.persistenceService find:[Rsvp class]
                               dataQuery:[BackendlessDataQuery query]
                                response:^(BackendlessCollection *collection){
                                    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:NO];
                                    [_dataRSVP addObjectsFromArray:[(BackendlessCollection *)collection data]];
                                    [_collectionView reloadData];
                                   error:^(Fault *fault) {


This is the code. Could something be wrong? Can there be two whereclauses? Thanks

Please investigate this doc, in particular, “Loading a Subset of Related Child Objects” section.

Hi. You’re always so helpful. Thank you. What am I to look at exactly? :slight_smile: I have the RSVP seperate from the list of shows. You mean I could connect them with relations?

For some reason, this query is returning everything instead of returning results requested in the whereclause.

   BackendlessDataQuery *query = [BackendlessDataQuery query];

    query.whereClause = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"eventday = \'%@\' AND person = \'%@\'", day, currentUser.objectId];

    [backendless.persistenceService find:[Rsvp class] dataQuery:query response:^(BackendlessCollection *collection) {

        _dataRSVP = [NSArray];

        [self checkCount];

    } error:^(Fault *error) {

        NSLog(@"UsersViewController -> viewDidLoad: (FAULT) %@", error);



You can always test your whereClause query using Backendless Console:

Hi Mark,

When i use advanced query , every time i am getting 10 objects only as a result. Even though more than 10 objects are present in database.

In my scenario:
User have option to add device. I can see more than 10 devices under one user in backendless database. but while

BackendlessDataQuery query=new BackendlessDataQuery();
query.setWhereClause(String.format(“owner= ‘%s’”,user));

QueryOptions options=new QueryOptions();
options.addSortByOption(“name ASC”);

Backendless.Persistence.of(Device.class).find(query, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessCollection<Device>>() {
public void handleResponse(BackendlessCollection<Device> response) {
List<Device> dList=response.getData();

    int size=dList.size();
    Log.d("No.of Devices:\t", ": " +size );
        Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "No Devices!!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    }else {
         adapter = new DeviceListAdapter(dList);
        AlphaInAnimationAdapter alphaAdapter = new AlphaInAnimationAdapter(adapter);



public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {



every time it is returning 10 items only.

Please help,


The objects are received in pages, and the default page size is 10.
You can either set the pageSize to a bigger value (but not bigger than 100), or use the BackendlessCollection’s nextPage() method to retrieve the next 10 objects.

Thanks Sergy Chupov

I will try it…