i try to import tennant.csv to Tennant table, when i try to import first one (Tennant that have relation with Mall=M027 and Category) {pict=tennantcsv(M027)} its fine i got all my data {pict=tennanttable(M027)}, but when i try the second one (Tennant that have relation with Mall=M026 and Category) {pict=tennantcsv(M026)} i got my data but the category relation is blank {pict=tennanttable(M026)}.
how it can be happen? or am i wrong in uploadin the csv format?
thanks for the answer
please send us your csv files to support@backendless.com
i already send it via email, thanks for the response
Hi Wendy,
Please, provide your IMPORT.LOG after current use case.
Also categories.csv is not valid, there are no headers for columns
hi Denys,
i aleady find an error that make the import doesnt fully complete, i has type a wrong objectId that have relation to another table.
about categories.csv, i use template from the table i export, and it contain no header for sure. i try again to import a csv after i export my data and use the csv template and still got no relation to Geolocation. (need to set manualy Relation GeoPoint)
i attach the zip that i import in.
nb: after i import this Desktop.zip, i can’t delete my Geolocation (Aeon Mall) got an error
i attach my Mall schema,
Desktop.zip (696B)
How did you form the CSVs you’re trying to import - manually or using Backendless Export functionality?
i using Backendless Export feature to get the template then i fill the data base of the template and import it. Here the full export file from Backendless Export.
Backendless Import.zip (16.01kB)
Thanks for all the information, Wendy. The malformed CSVs led to an inconsistency in database, but I just fixed it.
Could you please try to do the same again?
still got no relation with geolocation, i want to ask if i doing right or not, which is the right one? creating relation geolocation from Class or creating from geolocation relation from Geolocation menu like this doc :https://backendless.com/documentation/geo/php/geo_relations_with_data_objects.htm.
cause i’m creating the geolocation relation from my Mall table rather than create from geolocation. i attach the diferrent between two method that i explain before and got different result between geolocation and GI relation.
Could you specify, the problem appear after export/import?
I want to reproduce you problem. Could you add to this thread example with your exported data.
okay this is my step import/export backendless:
- I create a table Mall and a column has relation to Geolocation (1:1) and insert it via PHP code and the data has been inserted.
- I already have a data in Mall table.
- I import the mall table and the Geolocation.
- I got a zip(backendless export) contain a Mall.csv and a GeoPoint.csv .
- I add new data in the csv file.
- I import the file via console backendless.
- i get new data for Mall table but the geolocation column is empty.
- and the geolocation->Mall the new data has been insert.
is the step that i did was wrong?
and this the import LOG:
Backendless finished import your data successfully for application: MallSini.
The Import log located in File Service’s “import” directory.
See Import log bellow:
1 10:22:43 IMPORT_DATA Importing Started.
2 10:22:43 IMPORT_DATA Start import table: GeoPoint
3 10:22:43 IMPORT_DATA Table ‘GeoPoint’ was imported at 0 seconds
4 10:22:43 IMPORT_DATA Finish import table: GeoPoint
5 10:22:43 IMPORT_DATA Start import table: Mall
6 10:22:43 IMPORT_DATA Table ‘Mall’ was imported at 0 seconds
7 10:22:43 IMPORT_DATA Finish import table: Mall
8 10:22:44 IMPORT_DATA Start import pointers for table: Mall
9 10:22:44 IMPORT_DATA Finished import of table: Mall
10 10:22:44 IMPORT_DATA Importing Finished.
export_2016_05_18_09_56_23.zip (806B)
import backendless.zip (781B)
I understand your problem.
Internal task to resolve this issue created BKNDLSS-11965.