saving-multiple-objects in version 4.0 from parent object

Mark Piller ● 1 year agoHi Kjell,

Backendless persistence (save) operation operates on a single object. You can save a collection of objects when they relate to that single parent object. For example, you can save an instance of Order which contains a collection of OrderItem objects. The order instance will be saved in the “Order” table and the collection of order items will be saved in the “OrderItem” table.


How to achieve this in backendless 4.0 in one request from android


Currently it is not possible, you can only save the objects one by one. We’re going to introduce some ‘bulk create’ method for this purpose, but no timeframes yet.

As a workaround, you could set up a Custom Event Handler, which would accept a list of objects and then save them all. This would be one request from android, but still multiple calls from event handler.

Greeting Sergey,

Thanks for your response. I am waiting for bulk create method. Please do inform me as soon as it get introduced.

Hello Nevin,
Support for this feature is on our roadmap and we plan to make it available in Q1’2018.

Regards, Olga

Hi Nevin,

The work is already in progress, but hearing an example use-case would be very useful to understand the needs of the users. Could you please describe your one?