Server Code not returning.

Hello, I am trying to do a GeoPoint query with my server code and I have run into a bit of a problem. I followed the documents and used the following to do the query:

BackendlessCollection<GeoPoint> geoPoints = Backendless.Geo.getPoints( geoQuery );

However I encountered an error :

I have tried to do the geo search but in an async method, however I receive the error: BackendlessFault IllegalArgumentException, ‘You have no permission to thread manipulation’". Does this mean that I cannot have any async methods in server code?

I went back to see what else would cause the problem, and now my server code won’t return at all! I have tried even a simple echo of eventArgs, but nothing. I do not receive a BackendlessFault nor can I check to see if the HandleResponse result is null. I don’t even receive a server timeouts.

Hi, Theo.
We’ve assigned a developer to fix the " BackendlessFault IllegalArgumentException, ‘You have no permission to thread manipulation’" error.
Will let you know when this is fixed.

As for the error:

If you have stable steps to reproduce it, share it with us. If you have a project that reproduces this error, can you please send it to us on ?

I am sorry I cannot reproduce it because that particular server code event handler does not respond at all. I do have a second custom event handler that runs and returns just fine. It seems that right after i receive the “You have no permission to thread manipulation” error, that class stops responding to my code.

Should I just make a new custom event handler and just delete this one? What do you think I did to cause this?

Hi Theo,

Do you run the code in the local debug mode or in the cloud?

In any case, try deleting the service and run it locally first. Make sure to change the code to use synchronous APIs - CodeRunner does not allow creation of new threads (this is the reason for the first error).
