Server error when trying to access one table in app database

For some, unkown, reason I’m getting a Internal Server Error when trying to access one table in the app database…
“Internal server error with id 2453A846-C50A-4B18-FF9D-CF06E3AB1C00”
Is there a way to fix this without deleting the database table or anything like that?

Internal ticket was created for this problem, soon this will be fixed. Ticket ID is BKNDLSS-13052.



My Application ID: DB90744D-37AD-2A8C-FF7B-A84376DF7C00

and the table I’m trying to access is called “Standings”.

/ Tobias

Hi Tobias,

please provide your Application ID and table name that you are trying to access.


Hi Tobias,

Everything should work fine now. Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.

Hi Sergey,
Works perfectly now, thanks for the quick support as always!