Imagine we are building a comments feature for our restaurant app.
We have a comments data table with a one to one relation with both User and Restaurant. Now we want to display a list of comments for a particular restaurant. We want it to contain user’s name and avatar and the comment content.
https://api.backendless.com/v1/data/Comments?loadRelations=user&where=restaurant.objectId='someId' and user.objectId='someOtherId'
Everything works well however we are downloading a lot of unnecessary data (whole user profile which can contain a lot of things) for each comment when we need only user.name and user.avatar
Limiting this with props parameter returns “Unable to retrieve data. Query contains invalid object properties.”
https://api.backendless.com/v1/data/Comments?loadRelations=user&where=restaurant.objectId='someId' and user.objectId='someOtherId'&props=user.name,user.avatar
Is there any other way to do this?
Thanks in advance for your support.