Slider component settings: Name and Marks

I don’t see the Name or any ‘Marks’ in UI Builder (or in Preview).

Should I?

Can you provide some context for your question?

The slider component from the Preview of the UI Builder settings shown above:
Perhaps my expectations are wrong: I expected to see

  • the Name ‘red’ show up somewhere
  • ‘Marks’ to show on the slider line, creating a scale.

When you set the step as “1”, the marks get combined, try to increase the step value.

At step = 5 I see dashes that represent the steps; I had wrong expectations.

How about Name … should I be seeing it?

Hello @Jim_Austin

The name should not appear. What is the name of your application, and which container and page do you use? I will check why it appears.

Sergey, you indicate not seeing Name is correct behavior. I had (incorrectly) assumed it would identify the slider. What is Name for?

Hello, @Jim_Austin.

Yes, the name is an internal attribute of the object. It should not be displayed.

Best Regards, Nikita.

Hi @Jim_Austin,

I’d like to add that this field does not affect anything and we will hide it soon.