SMTP MAIL not working reliable

Mails are more or less coincidentally with the same settings. Some tests are going through , some not. Import finishing mails are not coming at all. Developer invitations are working ? All with the SAME settings ?!

Which version of Standalone Backendless are you using?

Also have you configured mail settings while installation?

Version 3.0.0, I configured it after installation and changed it 2 times to check if my SMTP servers are working. They worked partly and unpredictable.

Are you saying your mail servers worked “partly and unpredictable”?

Current version is 3.0.0-16 at the moment, please check if you have it.

Also check whether you have <emailSettings> block inside <installdir>/apps/backendless/htdocs/conf/backendless.config

It’s 3.0.0-10 and I could not detect a “backendless.config” ?!

Bildschirmfoto 2016-02-15 um 18.42.08.png

Hi Mark, what I’m saying is that the SMTP mail is working partly and unpredictable in my backendless standalone version. My SMTP servers are working fine with other mail clients. Some messages from backendless “Test” buttons are “cannot connect…”, some are “password / user” are not correct and sometimes “Mail sent successful”. All with the same settings ?! Sometimes new registered users are receiving mails, sometimes not. Developer invitation worked while I tested it once. I invited Sergey, but don’t know if he has got the mail ?!

Sorry , I was on the wrong path. Just detected that there are 2 files: “backendless.config” and “backendless.config.orig”

I just made changes to the Email settings via “Manage” and they passed the test.BUT they DO NOT REFLECT in the “<emailSettings>”! The “<emailSettings>” are still containing a not valid content

This is because the settings you set on console are used for Messaging service only. All system notifications use the settings from backendless.config.

Thus, you need to change the settings in backendless.config.

Done & Running ! BTW " used for Messaging service only." is not clear for a newbie, maybe you should give a hint in the “Manage” section.

Anyway THANKS a lot !
$regs ray