I keep getting this error when signing in with googleplussdk: Some of required parameters are null. I have no clue about what’s going on, and wondering if you guys can help. And also, any chances you guys will include official documentation for signing in with google plus sdk?
Just checked the sample Sergey proposed you - it works flawlessly.
I guess you just need to find out what’s wrong in your implementation / google developers console settings.
In case you are interested in dedicated services of Backendless team please contact sales@backendless.com for details.
I have asked you guys a while ago to upload documentation for googleplussdk sign in. more than 4 months have passed and nothing as been updated!!! how can you expect people to use a platform with poor documentation?
and the problem i have is when trying to login into backendless, i receive all the users data from google plus, and nothing returned is null (idToken, accessToken are not null) but Backendless.UserService.loginWithGooglePlusSdk() method gives me this error message: BackendlessFault{ code: ‘3038’, message: ‘Some of required parameters are null’ }