Springboard plan App Banned and needed "Super Scaling" , atough not exceeding limit

my app keep getting error :

	"code": 9070,
	"message": "The API request has been rejected because it requires scaling for processing. Switch to the Cloud9 or Cloud99 plan to enable the Super Scaling option."

is this some kind of jokes or Backendless Forced their Springboard plan user ( and broke their promise if springboard plan user are free forever ) it so dissapointed
this is my current usage

as you cant see , no limitations i brake , but the app keep force me to Get “Super Scaling”

The springboard also detect the places where the requests come from. If it see, the requests come from a lot of different devices, it may return such a message.
If your device change IP frequently, it may also be the reason.

is there any limitations on springboard user totals, if yes then how much so we can develop and promote our app until it launch, and ready to pay

thanks for your reply and fast support, our app seem to normal again and REST api worked again, we used REST api to fetch and write data to backendless, is there a way to restrict REST API call only from designated domain ? so we can prevent REST API spamming by hacker or anybody

Hi @Bagian_Pemerintahan_SETDA_Kab_Batang

The Springboard plan is designed for development mode only and there is no certain limitation, however when you open your app for your customers and the system detects the app is running in production it starts blocking it.

Regards, Vlad