I´ve installed Backendless 3.0 Mac OS X El Capitan on an Virtual Machine (using VMware also on a Mac).
Everything works fine.
App connects to backendless
Login and messaging works
But SMTP E-Mail and Push notification does not work.
(Push certificate and SMTP data are correct, because I´ve just tested it on https://develop.backendless.com)
Do you have an idea what could be the reason?
Is there any switch I have to set? Or could the reason be the virtual machine (it has a static IP Adresse and I´ve forwarded port 8080 on my fritz box).
thank you very much for your quick response.
Yes, I´ve configured both SMTP and Push correctly.
This is because I´ve created a testapp on your backendless hosting platform https://develop.backendless.com and I setup SMT and Push on that platform. There it works properly.
But if I switch back to backendless standalone 3.0 I use the same settings: No Email and no Push is working.
My next step would be as follows: Install backendless standalone 3.0 on my native Mac. But I don´t prefer this because I don´t want to slowing down the performance of the Mac. Or is there a possibility for a clean uninstall of backendless later?
You can definitely uninstall it later - there is an uninstaller included into the installation package. Please try installing it on your Mac and let us know how it goes.
It appears that both functions that required an outgoing connection from your VM failed (sending email, connecting to apple servers). Is it possible that perhaps the network settings for the VM didn’t allow the VM processes to connect? It perhaps the network was not configured altogether?
Dear Mark,
I totally agree. I think there was any little fault in the VMWare Network setup.
In your case it does not make sense if you try to reproduce it.