Timeout after deploying custom event handler to production

I am getting a timeout error in the logs after I deploy a custom event handler to production that worked correctly when debugging with CodeRunner.


  1. Add the following to a custom event code generated project:
@BackendlessEvent( "echo" )
public class EchoEventHandler extends com.backendless.servercode.extension.CustomEventHandler
  public Map handleEvent( RunnerContext context, Map eventArgs )
	System.out.println("eventArgs=" + eventArgs);
    return eventArgs; // echo
  1. Run with CodeRunner and call API via curl with params {“weather”:“sunny”}. We get the expected result of the console printout on CodeRunner and the param is also returned to curl.

  2. After running Deploy.sh and seeing the message “successfully deployed”, I make sure there is no stale debug connections in the Debug tab on the Dashboard/Business Logic/Custom Events screen.

  3. I re-run curl and get an empty response {}. Clicking on “view” under History and Logs shows the status as “timeout” for each attempt to run curl.

Hi, Simon.

We checked your problem, the problem was fixed.
Please, check again and confirm that the problem was fixed.


Hi, Simon.

We will check your problem as soon as possible.

