Every time I try to make a request through the iOS SDK I get a "
FAULT = ‘-1001’ [NSURLErrorDomain] <The request timed out.> " error.
Escpially when I try to signin. Is everything running as it should today?
Every time I try to make a request through the iOS SDK I get a "
FAULT = ‘-1001’ [NSURLErrorDomain] <The request timed out.> " error.
Escpially when I try to signin. Is everything running as it should today?
I’m not getting a timeout every time, but things aren’t working well, getting 502 and 504 responses. Trying to debug a set of custom events and things seem to be worse when they’re deployed to debug compared to when they aren’t deployed. When they are deployed my breakpoints are never hit and the request always times out in one way or another.
Hey guys,
We have been working on this problem and need some help. I assume your apps are in development and you’re the only user of your backend at the moment. Is this a correct assumption?
That’s correct for us. Two developers.
Thanks, Phillip. So there is some concurrency in the way you consume the API? Does each of you call similar/same APIs? Work on the same tables?
I did deploy my handlers to production but moved back to development when I was getting no response to get more details, but generally yes, just me, currently with only one device too.
My app is generally only making one request at a time. Some requests are almost immediately followed by another request, but it won’t make the same request multiple times concurrently (if the user tapped back and then forwards again it is possible that it could happen in future).
Wain, are you handlers in Java or JS?
Same problem. There is no concurrency in the way I use the API. I do one request at a time, async.
Handlers (and timer) are in Java. The timer seems to be firing fine and hits my breakpoint. The handler (after save) never hits the breakpoint.
Do the API requests timeout though?
guys, this issue is the top priority over here. We’re working on fixing the issue and you should see it improved very soon.
Sometimes they timed out, sometimes I got a 502 or a 504 error response (after a long delay).
Seen this issue much less today, but just received a 502
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>