I added a comment to this topic (Update column failed) with a wrong link, and now I cannot access to the topic.
I attached a screenshot.
Santo Lico
Yeah, I saw that. Lets proceed here until the issue with the access to the previous topic will be solved.
Please let me know your app id so I could validate the issue on your environment. And please specify in what table were you trying to add a BOOLEAN column?
And make sure NOT to do here whatever you did in the previous topic)
Regards Anton
Yes, I won’t do it again
I write here again my answer.
I’m using backendless pro in AWS, so I think the app id is not enough.
here is a video of what I’m trying to do and what I get: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0djbdgr42clqy1l/Update%20column%20failed.mov?dl=0
Could you please tell me the exact version of Backendless Pro are you using?
Regards Anton
Version 3.5.1
This bug was fixed in latest releases. Current version is https://bitnami.com/stack/backendless/installer.
Migrate to the latest version, it will be fixed
Regards Anton
Thank you for your help.
I don’t know how to update it, I launched it using AWS marketplace.
Using bitnami I think I could install a new version but then how can I migrate my app from the old one to the new one?
I’m not able to use import export functionality (http://support.backendless.com/t/cannot-update-relation-between-two-tables), and I actually would like to migrate to the cloud service cause the t2.small is not available anymore and it is quite unstable.
Any suggestions?
Santo Lico
t2.small is not available anymore because it was not suited to run Backendless.
Please decide if you’d like to launch another instance of Backendless in AWS or migrate to the cloud version.
As I said, I’d like to migrate to the cloud service, but import export doesn’t work. So I need your help for the migration.
I could set up the new app on backendless cloud, then import the data from the pro services and then you should do the same thing you did last time to solve the problem on the database.
Please, tell me if you agree or there is a better way.
Santo Lico
To help you out with the migration to Cloud, we would need to get SSH access to your existing EC2 instance. Please contact AWS support to find out how to get the SSH access and then send the credentials to support@backendless.com.
Ok, tomorrow I’ll contact them.
Thank you, your help is very appreciated.
Santo Lico