I keep getting following message when I try to build my app with latest backendless.jar from github.
I used to work with jar that is downloaded from codegen, and there seems to be some bugs that I mentioned earlier, and wanted download latest version of SDK. The below compile error only occurs when compiling with jar from github, and I can’t figure out how I could “exclude support-v4” from jar.
Is backendless.jar from codegen automatically updated? I downloaded jar from codegen yesterday and It doesn’t include support-v4 and size is only 900KB, where as git one is 1.8 MB with support-v4.
Error:Execution failed for task ‘:app:packageAllDebugClassesForMultiDex’.
Having autoload set for relations objects, relations object retrieved after login is not mapped to class, including GeoPoint.
For eg getGeoPoint() {super.getProperty(“geoPoint”);} crashes, because it’s hashMap.
I didn’t have this issue with iOS SDK.
Am I missing something?
There’s not much of code to show, I think there’s some mapping issue with Users. relation when autoload is set.
To reproduce the problem
create a class and add to Users.relation
set autoload to Users.relation
add a object to User.relation
login and get the Users.relation object - it should be autoloaded, but not mapped to the class, but HashMap. See below.
Backendless.UserService.login(id, password, new BackendCallback<BackendlessUser>(responder) { @Override
public void handleResponse(BackendlessUser user) {
Map<String,Object> map = user.getProperties();
AutoLoaded obj = map.get(“autoLoaded”); => crashes obj can not be casted from HashMap to AutoLoaded
Respond to below code(save, update, find), map.get(“autoLoaded”) is always type HashMap or HashMap[] for 1 to many relations.
Backendless.Persistence.of(BackendlessUser.class).find or findById