Unable to connect to Backendless API Server

I was working on Backendless and I got this error:
Unable to connect to Backendless API Server. Please contact your System Administrator.


Hi Isra,

We’re having some database issues on v4 currently, already working on it. Still version 3 works fine, you can check it via http://api.backendless.com and try to login directly to v3 at http://develop.backendless.com/3.x/

Hi Sergey,

I’m unable to login to v3 as well. Thanks for the quick response

Is your app in 3.x or 4.0?


Makes sense - 4.0 is down right now and we are working on it. The link Sergey shared is for 3.x apps.

Ok then, I will wait, thanks a lot for the instant support.

Hi Isra,

The problem has been resolved.


Hi Mark,

Thanks a lot :slight_smile: