Unable to delete Geo category with REST API

I’m trying to delete an existing Geo category that doesn’t have any geo points and the response is

The category isn’t deleted.

Also I receive this same response if the Geo category doesn’t exist instead of receiving an error message.

Roy, I can not reproduce any of these issues. Please, check your requests.

-H application-id:<id>
-H secret-key:<key>
-H application-type:REST
-X DELETE -v [url=http://api.backendless.com/v1/geo/categories/foobarcategory]http://api.backendless.com/v1/geo/categories/foobarcategory[/url]


This still holds true as a problem.

I just tried the curl request which Kate posted earlier and it worked as expected for me.

I am still getting this problem to occcur.

The Geo Category is successfully updated and the response data returned is:

Then I attempt to delete the same Geo Category and I get a response of:

The headers for the Delete category call are:
application-id: C45325…
secret-key: F9383…
user-token: B343989
application-type: REST

Can you show the complete request you use for deletion? That is include not just headers, but URL, HTTP method, content type (if any), body (if any).

I found my problem. The HTTP verb buffer was empty where it should have been “DELETE”.

Sorry for taking your time on this problem… Thanks for the help