Unable to export data

I’m unable to export data for my app:


Errors occur each time I try to export.

Hello Jeff,

What does the error say?

Backendless finished export your data unsuccessfully for application: DMB_Trivia_Setlist.
The Export log located in File Service in export directory.
You can download exported zip file from File-Service.
Download link: null

See export log bellow:

Sorry, we have unknown problem when attaching log file to the email

I have created an internal task BKNDLSS-16976 to investigate your case. We shall inform you here as soon as we have any additional information or progress.

Apologies for the inconvenience!

Hello Jeff,

After some investigation we found that the export task hangs while retrieving relations between Question and Users table. If you exclude either of them from the export, it should succeed (it did without Users table at least - you can check in your File Service).

Since version 3.x is now deprecated and the priority of fixing bugs there is low, probably we can assist you with what you’re trying to do in some other way. For example, if you just need the data stored in the database - we could provide you a direct sql dump from the database, or if you’re trying to migrate to 4.x - we can assist you with that, too.

Hi Jeff,

The app is on the discontinued plan in 3.x. The API calls for the app have been blocked since November of 2017. Do you plan on switching the app to a paid plan in 3.x?


Hi Mark,

I am not planning on moving forward with the app - I simply wanted all the data for my own archive in the case I need it in the future.