I am attempting to call “loginWithGooglePlus” with .NET code. I have successfully called “loginWithFacebook” which works fine, and I replicated the Java code for calling “loginWithGooglePlus” in .NET but I get the following error message:
“unable to find method in class. method name loginWithGooglePlus”
Assuming this means this API has not been implemented server side for .NET clients? Can you add this please? I would think since there are implementations for this for Objective C and Java clients this would not be too difficult? I have noticed this API does not exist for REST either.
That’s correct, there is no Google+ login implementation in the .NET SDK. You’re welcome to help us out with it and create a pull request. An implementation in Java, which could be used to model it after is at:
I have implemented it in my version of the .NET SDK, the problem isn’t on the client end. It is saying that method isn’t available on the server. I modeled it after the Java implementation as I mentioned above (the Java implementation you referenced above). The Java implementation calls a server method called loginWithGooglePlus. For some reason, I can invoke that method on the server from Java but not .NET.
I was able to get this working. This was an issue with the parameters I was sending.
However, this method has the same issue a loginWithFacebook. If the user has already registered via email / password, this complains that the user is already registered. Shouldn’t this just update the user with Google as a login option?