Unable to upload file via REST API with custom user role

Hi. I am trying to upload a file using the REST API. This is what I am doing:

  1. Log in with a user that has a custom role called AdminUser and has permissions for everything, and I have restricted permissions to AuthenticatedUser and NonAuthenticatedUser roles so they can’t upload files, only read them. I get the user-token without problems.

  2. Send a request to the REST API to upload a file including the user-token I got from login:

[2015-06-28 18:17:36] app.INFO: ClientErrorResponseExceptionUtilsBackendless:subirImagen, peticion: POST /v1/files/imagenes/marcas/dfafb9d436fa6ac44d9cd2f6e2cde59ad5d19fca.png HTTP/1.1 Host: api.backendless.com User-Agent: Guzzle/3.9.3 curl/7.28.1 PHP/5.6.2 Expect: 100-Continue application-id: XXXXXXXXXXX secret-key: XXXXXXXXXXX application-type: REST Content-Type: multipart/form-data user-token: XXXXXXXXXXX 
  1. KO response:
[2015-06-28 18:17:37] app.ERROR: Exception UtilsBackendless:subirImagen Client error response [status code] 400 [reason phrase] Bad Request [url] https://api.backendless.com/v1/files/imagenes/marcas/dfafb9d436fa6ac44d9cd2f6e2cde59ad5d19fca.png

If I change the security configuration to allow NonAuthenticatedUser to upload files, it works. I don’t know if there is a problem with security roles for file uploads, or maybe I am sending something wrong in the request. Could you please help me with it?


Hi Andrés,

It sounds like there is a problem with security roles for uploads. We will verify it and report our findings back to you.


Hi, Andrés. Thanks for you feedback.
This bug will be fixed in next update during a week or two.

Hi Andres!
This issue already resolved.
Could you confirm?


Hi all.

I have tried this again and now it is working. Thanks!